Tuesday, 17 July 2012

"Get to know me" - TAG

Hey everyone,

so now that I'm "new" in being a Blogger, I'd like you to get to know me a little at first.
I wasn't tagged by anyone but I'm tagging all of you. :)

The questions I took from the TAG that Estée from essiebutton (youtube.com/essiebutton) did. Please visit her channel and watch her videos if you don't know her yet because she is just absolutely adorable and so hilarious! :D

Okay, let's get started...

1) Are you named after anyone?
- What a great start: No, I'm not... = boring! :'D

2) When was the last time you cried?
- I can't remember actually. That's good, because I tend to cry quite often... because of the most random stuff like films or books. :')

3) Do you have any kids?
- No, not yet. I just finished school but definetly want children in the future!

4) If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
- I'd like to say yes, but have to say "probably not" in the end because I'm shy to death and I think it's quite hard for other people to talk to me to be honest. I don't like that but it is how it is. :D

5) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
- Oh yes! 

6) Would you ever bungee-jump?
- No... because I'm a little scaredy cat. And also I don't know why anyone would like to bungee-jump in the first place. Just don't get it. :'D

7) What's your favourite cereal?
- I didn't found any cereal I don't like yet. :D  I love almost everything from "Kellogg's", so everything sweet and unhealthy and child-manipulating.^^ In fact: I love the little toys you get with every cereal!

8) What's the first thing you notice about a person?
- Probably the whole appearance, meaning looks and mimics and body language. I also find myself looking at hair and shoes for some reason - well, I don't mean to be superficial at all but... it just happens. :)

9) What colour are your eyes?
- Blue and a little greyish.

10) Scary movies or happy endings?
- I don't need any of it. I HATE horror movies - I really do - but in my opinion a film doesn't have to end in a happy way either.

11) What are your favourite smells?
- Hm... as a perfume I love "Puma Flowing" and I don't know why because I'm no Puma-girl at all.^^ I just prefer floral or fruity smells.

12) Summer or winter?
- Summer it is! I hate winter and every cold and grey day of the year! I know that this doesn't match my love for England at all but I just like warm and sunny days too much.^^

13) Computer or television?
- Computer! I stopped watching tv last year (the last thing I watch was the Royal Wedding, just so you know xD) because it just went on my nerves SO badly! After stopping to watch the telly ( I hate that word but whatever^^) my mind felt incredibly free.

14) What's the furthest you've ever been from home?
- I was in Egypt when I was about 10 years old... that's it. Unfortunately my family isn't that travelling type of family. We never went to different countries on vacation like other people. I've just been to the Netherlands, Belgium and England for a couple of times.

15) Do you have special talents?
- Oh my god, that's embarrasing and sad but to be honest: I don't think so. I am quite a good writer (in my mother language) but I'm not sure if this is a talent. 

16) When were you born?
- May 1991.

17) What are your hobbies?
- Obviously I like reading and writing a lot. I also like to watch films and shows like How I Met Your Mother (I'm watching online) and I love Animes! Sometimes I'm in this phase where I love to play video games... but it goes as fast as it came.^^ 

18) Do you have any pets?
- Yes, I have. :)

Baylie-cutie-pie *.*
19) What's your favourite movie?
- It's quite obvious that I LOVE Harry Potter. Although I don't think the films are excellent, I love them just because it's Harry Potter. :)  

20) Do you have any siblings?
- I have an older sister and a younger brother. :)

21) What do you want to be when you grow up?
- I'd like to do several things, such as teaching, writing, translating and just helping people in different kind of ways. 

...So, that's it for now. If you have any questions or something else to say please write a comment and I will definetly read it or answer to it! :)
You can also put requests for TAG's or anything else you want me to write about into the comment box of course.

Have fun and "see" you next time,
Hermione :)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) - I actually got better pictures of her on my other computer... she doesn't like taking photos at all. :D
