Sunday, 4 November 2012

The Furry Friend TAG

 Hello Muggles,

today I would like to do the Furry Friend TAG because I saw it on Anna's Blog And This Little Piggy and it's a very cute TAG to do.
 Because I can't use my camera at the moment I'm not able to do the "Pink Box" blogpost now, as I actually planned it, because last month it was one of the most read posts on my blog. I promise to do it right after I found my camera-battery-charger. -.-  :)

I hope you have fun reading about my little dog Baylie anyway! :)


1. What is your pets name?
My dog is called Baylie

2. What kind of pet is it and what breed?
As you might have already guessed it's a dog - a Jack Russel Terrier

3. How long have you had your pet friend?
I have had Baylie for more than 8 years now! That's longer than it feels like!

4. How did you get your pet?
I really wanted a dog and one of our neighbours dog just got puppies so I asked my Mom and she said no. One day our neighbour went past our house with her three puppies in a basket and I told my Mom to get outside with me, so that we can talk to our neighbour... just because puppies are cute. :D My Mom than hold the one I wanted (which was Baylie) in her arms and she didn't want to let her go anymore. :) They were very tiny then; about 5 weeks and after that we didn't really talk about it anymore because I didn't want to urge my Mom. 
When I came home on some day 2 weeks later my parents looked at me very weirdly and I was wondering what was going on. My Mom than said there is something for me in the living room and tiny little Baylie-Baby was laying there. :) :)  She was only 7 weeks old but her mother didn't want her and her siblings anymore. She bit them and so they had to give them away.

5. How old is your pet?
Baylie is now 8 years old aready. :)

6. What are some quirky things about your pets personality?
Ohhh... here we go. :D  Baylie is quite strange - like me probably.^^ She actually is VERY quiet! That's not at all typical for a Jack Russel Terrier but she really isn't that lively - except for when she sees another dog. I don't know why but she starts to get quite aggressive when seeing dogs she doesn't know but if they come near her she gets all nice and cute again. xD
She also goes CRAZY when somebody comes home.

7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
Everything! I live with my boyfriend and my dog for almost 4 months now and moving into your first own flat was another big step that brought me closer to my two loves of life. :) My boyfriend and her just mean everything to me - I love them soooo much!

8. What are some of your favourite past times with your pet?
Of course my favourite memory is the day I got my dog. I was so excited and wanted to take her out all the time and I slept on the floor with her... it was just so amazing!
Then I loved the times when my boyfriend, Baylie and me were taking loooong walks in the forrest because I could let her run around having fun without having to watch out for dangers or other dogs. 
And I also had SO much fun when we and a friend drove to a river and Baylie just wanted to play there all the time although she ususally never goes into water. :)

9. What are nicknames that you call your pet?
Mostyl I call her Baylie-Baby or Bayling (which is her asian name obviously^^) :D 


So, this was the Furry Friend TAG. I hope you enjoyed it and I tag EVERYONE, WHO HAS A PET and would like to do the TAG as well. :D

Feel free to leave a comment and have a nice day!

See you next time,

Follow me on Twitter: @HermioneG7


  1. What a wee cutie! I don't have any fury friends, only scaley ones! x

    1. Then call it the "scaley friend tag". xD This would be even more interesting than talking about dogs though. :)

      Thanks for commenting! :)

  2. wow she is so cute! really interesting to read your answers! xo

  3. I already did... mainly because of the pretty lipstick. :D

  4. she's so cute! I think I'll do this tag:)
