Sunday, 23 September 2012

"10 Day You Challenge" - Four books

Hello Muggles,

today it's time for my favourite bit of the "10 Day You Challenge". 

Four books

1) "The Storyteller" by Antonia Michaelis

If there is one thing I am really excited about it is to read "The Storyteller" by german authot Antonia Michaelis in English. I have already read it in German of course, which is why I can tell you that it's the best book I have ever read! I am going to write a detailed blogpost about it now that it is published in English and I can just recommend it to anyone that has a preference for some tragic in books because it really is tragic - but beautiful at the same time.
I just love it and since I read it in summer 2011 I still think of Abel Tannatek, who is one of the main characters, everday!

2) Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling


Harry Potter probably is the thing I talked about the most on my blog. 
However, I chose "Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban" to be my top 2nd book because it's my favourite one besides "Deathly Hollows". What I love about this one is that what happens inside of Harry becomes clearer and I think the story of his parents and their friends (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin...) is so exciting. Sirius Black is my favourite Harry Potter character after Hermione Granger. :)

3) The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

Of course I had to add this all time classic to my list. 
The first book of the series is my favourite because I love the introduction into what Hobbits are and how they live and the beginning, which lets you have a look into the Shire is just my favourite part ever. :') 
What I think is the most astonishing thing about "The Lord of the Rings" is the writing. When I read it for the first time I was literally out of my mind because of the beautiful language Mr Tolkien used. Just reading the first lines makes me smile all over my face. 

4) Dark Canopy by Jennifer Benkau

I'm sorry but this one hasn't come out in English yet. :/  
BUT I just love it and can't wait for the second book to be published in March 2013, so I included it to my little list. :)

I hope you liked it.

Please leave a comment telling me what your four favourite books are or link your "10 Day You Challenge" if you did it on your blog. :)

See you next time,


  1. amazing book collection. harry potter and the prisoner of askaban i also among my favourites. but i thing the others sound really cool, too.


    1. Cool, du kommst ja aus Deutschland. :)
      Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
