Thursday 27 September 2012

Tips for school (A-levels): #6 Take breaks!

Hello Muggles,

as every friday it's time for another school tip. :)

6) Take breaks!

-> Taking breaks probably is one of the most important things to do while learning something. Especially when you're young you're brain can't work 24/7 and additionally: you're a child, who has many other and better things to do than concentrate on learning all day!
Don't start doing your homework right after school but eat a proper meal first and do something you like and enjoy! After all you've been to school half of the day. ;)
If you notice that your concentration says goodbye to you, do something. You can either take a walk outside and just breath some fresh air or you just eat a little bit of chocolate that makes you feel better.
A very important thing you as a student need to realize is that you can't study all the time. So if you have an exam to come organise your time instead of learning four hours a day for one subject.
By advising to take breaks I'm not talking about procrastinating. ;D 


I hope that was helpful. If you want to check out the tips I already wrote about just click on them down below. :)


Comments are appreciated as always. :)

See you next time,

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