Friday, 7 September 2012

Tips for school (A-levels) #3: Do your homework! :)

Hello Muggles,

today it's time for the 3rd part of my tips for school. I hope you find it helpful!

3) Do your homework!

 -> Oh, I know how lame that sounds but seriously: Doing your homework is the best thing you can do. You can easily build a base by doing homework. 
Why? Actually your teacher's task is to give you homework so you can do some revision of what you already learned in the last lesson! I know that many teachers just let you do "new" things for homework but then it's your duty to talk to them. ;) (This is tip #5 actually)
By doing your homework you also have something to say during lessons. Talking in class is very important for your marks and reading out your homework always gives you some extra points. Teachers will appreciate your effort! ;)
Doing homework and reading them out or giving them to the teacher especially is helpful in classes / lessons / courses you're maybe not that good in. Let's take myself for example: I hated math! I really hated it and I didn't understand one single bit of what my teacher was telling me during lessons - so what I did (not often enough though -.-) was doing homework with the help of classmates or friends and giving them to the teacher after / before the lesson. The teacher then can see that you did something at home and that you are interested in getting better. ;)

That was it for tip #3. I hope you enjoyed it.

Leave a comment down below saying if you like my tips for school or if you maybe have some yourself! :)

#1: Choose the right courses (click here to read it)
#2: Be organized (click here to read it)
#4: Ask questions (14.09.12)
#5: Talk to your teachers (21.09.12)
#6: Take breaks (28.09.12)
#7: Form study-groups (05.10.12)
#8: Read the lectures (12.10.12)
#9: Repeat before exams (19.10.12)
#10: Eat / Drink enough ;) (26.10.12)

See you next time, 


  1. Great tips! Thanks :D xx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Eeek, I pushed the wrong button o.o Of course I didn't want to delete your comment - how can I make it undone? :(

      Anyway, I already saw it and it's SO lovely of you! THANK YOU!! <3

